bulky yarn

Are you ready to dive into the world of crochet projects with bulky yarn? 

Bulky yarn is a game-changer in the crafting world, offering speed and coziness like no other. If you’re wondering what to do with that fluffy, chunky yarn in your stash, you’ve come to the right place.

From quick and satisfying projects to stylish and practical creations, let’s explore the possibilities of crochet projects with bulky yarn!

Why Choose Bulky Yarn?

Before we jump into the projects, let’s talk about why bulky yarn is a crocheter’s best friend. Bulky yarn, also known as chunky or super bulky yarn, is thicker than traditional yarn weights, meaning you can work up projects much faster.

Its plush texture creates soft and squishy fabric, making it ideal for cozy accessories and home decor items. Plus, bulky yarn adds instant warmth and texture to any project, making it perfect for cold weather months or quick gift-making.

Projects You Can Make with Bulky Yarn:

1. Chunky Blankets:

First up, let’s talk about the ultimate cozy project: chunky blankets. Crocheting a blanket with bulky yarn is a dream come true for anyone who loves snuggling up on the couch with a soft and squishy blanket. 

Image Courtesy Amazon

Whether you opt for a simple single crochet or a more intricate stitch pattern, a chunky blanket will keep you warm and stylish all winter long.

2. Quick Cowls:

Looking for a quick and satisfying project? Look no further than a chunky cowl. With bulky yarn, you can whip up a cozy cowl in no time, making it perfect for last-minute gifts or instant pleasure. 

Experiment with different stitch patterns and textures to create a cowl that’s as stylish as it is warm.

3. Pom-Pom Hats:

Add a touch of whimsy to your winter wardrobe with a chunky pom-pom hat. Bulky yarn makes for a plush and cozy hat that will keep you toasty on even the coldest days. 

crochet hat

For added flair, adorn the top with a fluffy pom-pom; this will result in a fashionable accessory that is certain to attract attention wherever you go.

4. Oversized Sweaters:

Level up your crochet skills by tackling an oversized sweater with bulky yarn. While sweaters may seem daunting, working with bulky yarn means you’ll finish your project in record time. 

Opt for a simple raglan or drop-shoulder design for an easy-to-follow pattern that’s perfect for beginners.

5. Textured Throw Pillows:

Add a touch of texture and warmth to your home decor with chunky throw pillows. Crocheting pillows with bulky yarn allows you to play with different stitch patterns and textures, creating eye-catching accents for your sofa or bed. 

Mix and match colors and patterns to complement your decor style and add a cozy vibe to any room.

6. Cozy Scarves:

bulky yarn scarf

Image by freepik

No winter wardrobe is complete without a chunky scarf to keep you warm and stylish. Crocheting a scarf with bulky yarn is a quick and satisfying project that’s perfect for beginners and seasoned crocheters alike. Experiment with different stitches and lengths to create a scarf that’s as unique as you are.

7. Snuggly Slippers:

Treat your feet to some extra coziness with chunky crochet slippers. Bulky yarn creates plush and squishy slippers that are perfect for lounging around the house on lazy weekends. 

Image by vecstock on Freepik

Add non-slip soles for extra durability and safety, and you’ll have a pair of slippers that you’ll never want to take off.

Tips for Working with Bulky Yarn:

1. Use a Larger Hook: Bulky yarn requires a larger crochet hook to accommodate its thickness. Be sure to check the yarn label for the recommended hook size, and adjust accordingly.

2. Mind Your Tension: Bulky yarn can be a bit unruly if you crochet too tightly. Relax your tension and let the yarn do the work for you, creating soft and squishy fabric.

3. Experiment with Stitch Patterns: Bulky yarn is perfect for showcasing textured stitch patterns, so don’t be afraid to experiment. Try out different stitches and techniques to create unique and eye-catching projects.


With its speed, coziness, and versatility, bulky yarn opens up a world of possibilities for crochet projects. Whether you’re making cozy blankets, stylish accessories, or trendy home decor items, bulky yarn is sure to add warmth and texture to your creations. 

So, grab your chunky yarn and crochet hook, and let your creativity soar as you embark on your next project. Happy crocheting!

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By Inna

I started Hooks for Loops with the goal of sharing my love for crocheting with the world! Now, I'm dedicated to bringing you the fun & simple crochet tutorials, patterns and resources for beginners and experienced crocheters alike!

3 thoughts on “What Do I Do With Bulky Yarn?”
  1. […] Crocheting with bigger yarn can be a game-changer for both beginners and experienced crafters alike. Whether you’re looking to whip up a quick project or create a statement piece with bold texture and color, working with larger yarns opens up a world of possibilities. […]

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